Your PC Fixer


Remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker Completely out of Your Browser

Channel of Ads by Mini-Adblocker getting on your PC

  • strange email attachments or zip files.
  • accidentally clicking on malicious links planted with exploit code triggers the installation of Ads by Mini-Adblocker.
  • download or upgrade software from dubious sites.

What is Ads by Mini-Adblocker?

Ads by Mini-Adblocker is considered as an advertisement-supported platform. It pretends to be an extension or an add-on showing up on your browser. The invasion of Ads by Mini-Adblocker will change your browser default settings, including browser extension list and browser java settings. Ads by Mini-Adblocker is created to be able to deliver various ads, coupons and banner on browsers no matter you are using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Bing and others, which is in order to gain traffic for products and generate revenue for the spammer. 

The harms of having Ads by Mini-Adblocker:

Ever since the invasion of Ads by Mini-Adblocker, ads constantly pop up on your browsers especially when you are visiting websites like Flipkart, Amazon, etc.. The coupons that Ads by Mini-Adblocker offers are displayed covering more than half of the screen. If you see pop-ups by Ads by Mini-Adblocker frequently, it is very ominous. Ads by Mini-Adblocker generate tracking cookies to collect your browsing details including key words and your habit. As a result, during your browsing one shopping site will link some other shopping site showing similar deals of the product which you are looking for, which is a sign that your browser has been added with tracking cookies. When you try to close Ads by Mini-Adblocker, the same webpage which you have opened gets reopened again as extra tab. 

Having tracking cookies generated by Ads by Mini-Adblocker could be dangerous. Your online browsing won't be privacy anymore and your confidential information like credit card details, email messages and passwords could be stolen by unknown hackers with assistance of the tracking cookies.

Other risks could be triggered by Ads by Mini-Adblocker:

  • sluggish computer
  • searching results being dumped with various ads and sponsored links
  • system loopholes
  • backdoor opened to invite other junk programs like adware GetPrivate, browser hijacker and trojan.

It's strongly recommended to remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker out  though it is not a virus like trojan and ransomware.To regain a clean computer and ensure your web browsing privacy and secure, correctly follow the steps below to get rid of Ads by Mini-Adblocker.

Ads by Mini-Adblocker Uninstall Solutions

♥♥♥♥♥ Solution A: Autonomously remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker once for all with the official Ads by Mini-Adblocker removal tool

♥♥♥♥♥ Solution B: Manually get rid of Ads by Mini-Adblocker from browser and computer system

Solution A: Autonomously remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker once for all with the official Ads by Mini-Adblocker removal tool

(This approach is offered in case you don't know how to remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker manually.)

1. Download link for Windows XP, Vista, 7&8.

SpyHunter is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application certified by West Coast Labs’ Checkmark Certification System and designed to assist the average computer user in removing unwanted programs like Ads by Mini-Adblocker. SpyHunter offers additional customization capabilities to ensure every user is able to custom tailor SpyHunter to fit their specific needs.
  • There are 2 selections offered: click Save or Run to install the program. We recommend you to save it on the desktop if you choose Save for the reason that you can immediately start the free scan by using the desktop icon.
  • After downloading, double click the downloaded file and follow the prompts to install the removal tool.

2. In order to install the removal tool, you need to give your permission by clicking Run.

Choose Continue to click to get the Install option

 "I accept the EULA and Privacy Policy" needs to be chosen and then click INSTALL.

Show some patience. It will take a while to finish downloading the files.

Don't lose your opportunity to remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker. Click Start New Scan/ Scan Computer to take action!

The scan process may cost more than half an hour. You don't have to stare at the scanning screen. You can walk away to have a rest or do something else as you pleased.

You must have waited for a long time for this option 'Fix Threats', you are free to click it to remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker.

Solution B: Manually get rid of Ads by Mini-Adblocker from browser and computer system

Step 1: End all the processes related to Ads by Mini-Adblocker from the task manger

  • press Windows+R together to launch up Run window>input taskmgr>click OK 
  • search for the related processes or suspicious ones> right click and choose End Process

Step 2: Uninstall Ads by Mini-Adblocker as well as other unwanted applications from Control Panel 

Click Start> Control Panel> Programs and Features> search for Ads by Mini-Adblocker (unwanted applications/suspect programs) > right click and choose Uninstall


Step3: Remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker from Your Browser

For Internet Explorer

 A:  Launch up Internet Explorer>Tools> Manager Add-on

B: Tools and Extensions> search for Ads by Mini-Adblocker> click Disable

C: Clear the browser history and restart IE to take effect

For Google Chrome

A: launch up Google Chrome> click Tools> click Extension> search for Ads by Mini-Adblocker> click Disable

B: Clear the history and cookies of Google Chrome and then restart the browser to take effect.


The Ads by Mini-Adblocker infection also brings other crapware onto the computer. Some of them only can be detected by antivirus program Spyhunter. You can choose the strong tool to remove Ads by Mini-Adblocker and clear up all the crapware and the infected files in one time to forbid the second time infection if you are not a computer savvy. 

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