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Remove Cassiopesa Browser Hijacker Completely and Reset Homepage

Computer users are under attack by Cassiopesa and other things.

Case 1:

"This attack has just happened recently when I was trying to download a fan game. After that, all sorts of things popped up that I never downloaded and whenever I open a browser, it links up to something called Cassiopesa. I'm new to this site, so the help will be appreciated!"

Case 2:

"My Chrome now crashes randomly now and has random pop-up ads where they shouldn't be. Chrome is also substantially slower and uses up more process to the point where it's un-usable; I need help fixing this Cassiopesa problem."

Cassiopesa resets homepage, being a browser hijacker. 

Cassiopesa is prevalently known as a browser hijacker as well as an advert-supporting platform injecting third party marketing content in your searching results. This questionable fake search engine Cassiopesa absolutely will change your current browser settings including search engine and default homepage. Changes on the infected browser will make the browser act very funky. PC performance is so disappointing. Page failures, shockwave crashes and search results inserted with sponsored links and ads, these situations are very common after the infiltration of Cassiopesa.

Cassiopesa is insecure.

with the presence of Cassiopesa, your browsing won't be privacy.

  • Tracking cookies are added on the infected computer. Cassiopesa may collect personal non-confidential information on the compromised PC and use it for marketing purposes. 
  • Cassiopesa manipulates your browser by modifying the current browser settings assigning itself as a default one. This way will make your search results get linked to predetermined third-party pages with malicious content. If you browse with the infected browser, search result may be altered and linked to suspicious domain
  • System registries and start-up entries may have been changed. This way other junkware like adware PriceMnius, SalesPlus and trojan can easily get access to your PC without your realizing. 

Removing Cassiopesa out completely is the urgent thing to do. If you continue to keep it on your PC, you will be sorry to get bombarded with more and more ads and malware attacking. Act smart and follow the steps below to clear up Cassiopesa as well as other junks. 

Tested and Workable Methods to Remove Cassiopesa Completely

♥♥♥♥♥ Method A: manually remove Cassiopesa easily

♥♥♥♥♥ Method B: automatically erase Cassiopesa completely.


Method A: manually remove Cassiopesa easily.

1: end all the processes related to Cassiopesa as well as strange ones from task manager
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc together to get Task Manager Window
  • Right click the process you want to end and choose end process

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ For those who are not computer savvies: download and install the official and very powerful Cassiopesa removal tool to help you clear up computer.)


  2. Clear all the cookies of your affected browsers. For Google Chrome:
  • Click on the “Tools” menu and click the “Clear browsing data” button.
  • Select “Delete cookies and other site data” to delete all cookies from the list.

For Internet Explorer:

Open Internet explorer window Click the “Tools” button Choose “safety” and then click “delete browsing history” click the “cookies” box, then click “delete”


  For Mozilla Firefox:
  • Click on Tools> Options>select Privacy Click “Remove individual cookies”
  • In the Cookies panel, click on “Show Cookies”
  • To remove a single cookie click on the entry in the list and click on the “Remove Cookie”
  • To remove all cookies click on the “Remove All Cookies” button

3. Show hidden files and folders 

Click Start > Control Panel> Appearance and Personalization> Folder Options>View Check Show hidden files and folders>uncheck Hide protected operating system files>then click OK.


4. Remove Cassiopesa registry and the spam one from
  • path 1: press Windows+R together to bring up Run window > input "regedit"> click OK

  • remove all the malicious registries below:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main "Default_Page_URL" = "http://www.<random>.com/?type=hp&ts=<timestamp>&from=tugs&uid=<hard drive id>"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing "NewTabPageShow" = "1"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\FIREFOX.EXE\shell\open\command "(Default)" = "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe http://www.<random>.com/?type=sc&ts=<timestamp>&from=tugs&uid=<hard drive id>"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Google Chrome\shell\open\command "(Default)" = "C:\Documents and Settings\test\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

5. Restart the infected browser and reset the homepage.

Method B: automatically erase Cassiopesa completely.

( Recommanded for the lazy ones)

  • There are 2 selections offered: click Save or Run to install the program. We recommend you to save it on the desktop if you choose Save for the reason that you can immediately start the free scan by using the desktop icon.
  • After downloading, double click the downloaded file and follow the prompts to install the removal tool.

2. Spyhunter Installation Scenes: asking for your permission, please click Run

Now you need to follow the setup wizard to get the Automatic Removal Tool.

A good gain consumes time. Please wait for the files downloading... 

Grasp the chance remove Cassiopesa. Click Start New Scan/ Scan Computer Right Now!

You are scanning your PC. About half an hour is required for the scan. You can take a cup of coffee or do something else.

Here you are. Please click Fix Threats. You are on the right track to remove Cassiopesa.

Last but Not Least:

Cassiopesa won't do anything nice but bring on troubles and messes for you and your beloved PC. If Cassiopesa stays on your PC, your browser will become a hell and you will be suffered a lot from it. Why not Download and Install the Effective and Fast Removal Tool to bring it down? You can make it!

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