Your PC Fixer


Get Rid of ColorUService.exe Permanently

Know more about ColorUService.exe

Do you keep getting the notice saying "The program can’t start because MSVCP100.dII is missing from your computer." many computer users reported that they got this problem when ColorUService.exe installed on their computers. Some computer users have tried to delete this suspicious program on their own but most of them got failed. ColorUService.exe can make change of your default system settings and bring malware to corrupt your system files.

Moreover, this ColorUService.exe can bring other computer issues to your infected computer. you can check below:

It may generate many suspicious processes to degrade your overall computer performance.
It may infect or delete your other personal and system files.
It may record your personal information like your IP address, search keywords, etc.
It may add/remove your default system registry entries.
It may open a backdoor for cyber criminals.
It may stop you from opening reliable programs or service.
It may create unwanted shortcuts on your desktop or trigger annoying ads or redirects to interfere with your browsing activities.

Usually this ColorUService.exe may bundle with freeware downloads, therefore, it would be better to keep your antivirus up to date and scan your computer frequently. don't know how to remove it completely? You are welcome to check below:

Two workable ways to get rid of ColorUService.exe completely

Solution one: Remove ColorUService.exe Manually

Solution two: Remove ColorUService.exe Automatically with professional removal tool (practical and popular)

Solution one: Get rid of ColorUService.exe Manually

Log on to your computer as an Administrator. Before performing the process, we suggest you back up Windows registry at first for unpredictable damages or further usage.

Step one: Restart your computer into safe mode with networking by pressing F8 key constantly before the Windows starts to launch.

Step two: stop all the processes about ColorUService.exe in Task Manager

Guide: Click on the Start button and choose Run option, type taskmgr and press OK, Task Manager will pop up immediately.

End ColorUService.exe and other suspicious running processes.

Step three:Show all hidden files
Search for folder options and then click “view tab”, tick show hidden files and folders and uncheck hide protected operating system files----press ok and delete the selected files.

%AllUsersProfile%\random.exe %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\random.exe %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~random %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll

Step four:
 Go to the Registry Editor and remove all related registry entries:

1. Click Start and Type "Run" in Search programs and files box and press Enter
2. Type "regedit" in the Run box and click "OK"

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ‘Random’ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Random 

: Restart your computer to check the effectiveness.

Solution two: Automatically remove ColorUService.exe Permanently with SpyHunter.

SpyHunter is a powerful anti-spyware application which is aimed to help computer users to get rid of computer virus completely. It is easy to use and can get along well with other anivirus.

Step one: Download SpyHunter on your computer by clicking the icon below.

Step two: Follow the instructions to automatically install SpyHunter

Step three: Please click Finish button once the installation completes.

Step four: Click "Start New Scan" button to scan your computer

Warm tips: Manual removal refers to the key part of the system, if you are not so familiar with computers and want to do it in a quick and safe way, you are suggested to download best automatic removal tool here!

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