Your PC Fixer


Have Earnsale Insane Ads? - How to Remove Ads by Earnsale Adware Rightfully?

He is also the one who is infected with Earnsale.

"Insane adware, how can I get rid of it? Please Help!?
I haven't used this PC in a few months and I don't remember downloading anything dodgy. I have adblock but on every site I go on, the whole page is littered by 'Ads by earnsale'. It also keeps opening new tabs with 'verified Microsoft help' chat room sort of thing."

What the hell is Earnsale?

Earnsale has been deemed as an unwanted adware that can lurk into computers running Windows operating systems as a bundled component of freeware download. It can make itself an extension or an add-on to get attacked onto the following target browsers: Google Chrome, Bing, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer and others. Once hunt by Earnsale, you will notice that everything starts to slow down, lots of flash errors/ out of memory and task manager shows there is a memory leak somewhere, slowly eating all your memory. What's more, browsers are flooded with various ads from Earnsale. Earnsale is the first one to be responsible for that.


You will say NO to troubles made by Earnsale.

@ Earnsale makes your computer painfully slow. Task manager says all memory occupied and have amounts of unknown processes running. This is after the showing of Earnsale.

@ It delivers continuous pop-ups and websites opening randomly. It creates advertise in the top and bottom right of some pages that you visit and the ads change very time.

@ Sluggish computer performs badly. Browsers infected with Earnsale freeze up several minutes at a time every time you click on anything and it doesn't matter what it is.

@ Tracking cookies may be installed on your browser upon the installation of Earnsale. As a result, your personal information like browsing activities are being monitored, account log-in details, passwords may be collected for the criminal hackers.

@ System loopholes are created by Earnsale, which means other infections like adware, browser hijacker, trojan and ransomware can land on your PC via the system loopholes.

How to Remove Ads by Earnsale Adware Rightfully?  

Method 1: Remove Earnsale Manually from Your Computer

Note: in case ads by Earnsale or redirects from Earnsale block the computer screen or the PC performs badly, you are suggested to get into safe mode with networking before you try to remove Earnsale.

Get Into Safe Mode with Networking Processes:

for Windows XP/Vista/ 7
Restart your computer >> As your computer restarts but before Windows launches, tap “F8″ key constantly >> Use the arrow keys to highlight the “Safe Mode with Networking” option and then press ENTER >> If you don’t get the Safe Mode with Networking option, please restart the computer again and keep tapping "F8" key immediately.

for Windows 8

Pls press Alt+Ctrl+Delete keys together
You will see a blue screen with a power icon at the bottom right corner
Pls hold Shift key on the keyboard and click on power button and select “Restart
Then you will get 3 options
Pls select “Troubleshoot” with arrow keys
You will then get into another screen with another 3 options
Then select “Advanced options” -> Pls select “Startup Settings
See a “Restart” button at the bottom right of the screen?
Pls hit F5 to get into “Safe Mode with Networking

1. remove Earnsale from the control panel

  • Click Start and then choose Control Panel.
  • Click Programs> Uninstall a program or Program and Features(for Windows 7,8, Vista)

  • search for the unwanted or unknown programs; right click it and then choose Uninstall.
(TipIf the program you choose to uninstall refuses your order, you need to go to end the running processes related to Earnsale in the task manager: click Ctrl+Alt+Del together to get the task manager; search for the suspect or unfamiliar process to end.)

 ( If you think it's complicated or you are not a computer savvy, please download and install the top removal tool to fix the Earnsale issue automatically.)

2. Remove Earnsale from the browsers.

2.1 Remove Earnsale add-ons from Internet Explorer

  • Open Internet Explorer then go to Tools menu (press “F10″ key once to active menu bar) and then click on Internet Option a configuration page will be opened
  • Click on Programs tab then click on Manage Add-ons, now you’ll get a window which have listed all the installed add-ons.
  • Now disable the Earnsale add-on, also disable all the unknown / unwanted add-ons from this list.

2.2 Reset Internet Explorer

  • Open Internet Explorer. Click on Tools menu (Press “F10” key once to active the menu bar), click on Internet Option. A internet option window will open.
  • For IE9, IE10 users may click on Gear icon  . Then click on tools.
  • Click on Advanced tab then click on RESET button.
  • Now you will get a new popup for confirmation, tick mark on Delete personal setting then click on RESET button on that.
  • Now your Internet Explorer has been Restored to default settings.
  • Now you will appear a popup stated “complete all the tasks”. After completion click on close button.

2.3 Remove Earnsale unwanted extensions from Google Chrome

  • Start Google Chrome, click on options icon  (Located in very top right side of the browser), then click on Tools then, click on Extensions
  • You will get a configuration page which have listed all the installed extensions, remove Earnsale extension. Also remove all the unknown / unwanted extensions from there. To remove them, click on remove (recycle bin) icon  (as shown on screenshot)

2.4: Reset Google Chrome – Restore to default setting.

  • Open Google Chrome, click on menu icon  and then click on settings 
  • Scroll down and click on “Show advanced settings…”option, after click on that you’ll appear some more options in bottom of the page. Now scroll down more and click on “Reset Browser setting” option.
  • Now, Close all Google Chrome browser’s window and reopen it again.

2.5 Remove Earnsale add-ons from Mozilla Firefox

Open Firefox and then go the Tools menu (Press “F10” key once to active Menu bar) click on Add-ons, you’ll get a page click on extensions from the left side pane. now look on right side pane you’ll get all the installed add-ons listed on there. Disable or Remove Earnsale add-on, also disable all the unknown / unwanted add-ons from there. 
2.6 Reset Mozilla Firefox
  • Open Firefox and then go the Help menu (Press “F10” key once to active Menu bar)
  • Go to Help menu then click on “Troubleshooting information
  • You will get a page “Troubleshooting information” page, here you will get “Reset Firefox” option in the right side of the page.
  • Click on Reset Firefox option and then follow their instructions to reset firefox.
  • Mozilla Firefox should be Restored.

3. To Remove Earnsale from Startup

  • Press “window key + R” (Flag sign key + R) you will get Run box then type “MSCONFIG into the run box then click on OK. You’ll get a msconfig window.

  • In the msconfig window click on Startup tab, here you’ll get all the startup entries, so look on the list and then do Un-check the entries which is contains Earnsale. Also Un-check all the others entries which you found unwanted. then click on OK to apply all the changes

Method 2: Using Spyhunter to remove Earnsale automatically ( Recommanded for the lazy ones)

  • There are 2 selections offered: click Save or Run to install the program. We recommend you to save it on the desktop if you choose Save for the reason that you can immediately start the free scan by using the desktop icon.
  • After downloading, double click the downloaded file and follow the prompts to install the removal tool.

2. Spyhunter Installation Scenes: asking for your permission, please click Run

Now you need to follow the setup wizard to get the Automatic Removal Tool.

A good gain consumes time. Please wait for the files downloading...

Grasp the chance remove Earnsale. Click Start New Scan/ Scan Computer Right Now!

You are scanning your PC. About half an hour is required for the scan. You can take a cup of coffee or do something else.

Here you are. Please click Fix Threats. You are on the right track to remove Earnsale.

Last but Not Least:

Earnsale won't do anything nice but bring on troubles and messes for you and your beloved PC. If Earnsale stays on your PC, your browser will become a hell and you will be suffered a lot from it. Why not Download and Install the Effective and Fast Removal Tool to bring it down? You can make it!

( Kris )

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