Your PC Fixer


Infected with Deal Top ads? - How to Remove Deal Top Unwanted Pop-ups?

Deal Top ads are out of control.

"I was having problems with Deal Top ads. I keep getting pop windows with a variety of ads ranging from Mac Keeper, Reimage, William Hill, Lotto......I could fill this page with examples but you get the gist. Any advice in laymans terms would be appreciated! Thanks."

Got an adware virus called Deal Top and it is driving him crazy!!!

I tried to torrent a program I need for school on my mac (verison 10.7.5) but it didn't work. Unfortunately what DID work was the sneaky adware called Deal Top that installed itself on both chrome and safari!
It double underlines all these random words on EVERY web page and turns them into links for stupid stuff that the words relate to. I've tried everything to remove it. I've deleted all my browser "extensions" for both browsers, reset both browsers, and ran crapcleaner as well and removed everything it said to remove. I looked for it in a general search in my programs and found nothing. I deleted and uninstalled the original program it came in and THEN emptied my garbage. I've tried to get multiple adware cleaners but they either are for windows only or don't work with my version of mac anymore because it is too old.
Nothing has worked. I've been at this all afternoon. How do I get this off my computer??

What is Deal Top?

First you need to know that Deal Top is a scam and then it's an adware. It can display its webpage and pop-ups on the following popular browsers: Bing, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer. It changes your original browser default settings upon its installation without your agreement and awareness. Once it gets on your PC, Deal Top starts popping up on its own and you will get a message saying your computer may have a potential virus and call this number so that they can scan the computer.

What will you have to face with if not removing Deal Top Pop-ups?

  1. The invasion of other threats like adware, browser hijacker, trojan, ransomware and worm. 
  2.  Endless pop-ups and the automatic-opening webpages would never stop harassing you.
  3. Bunches of unknown processes are running in the background, taking up the system resource and affecting the PC performance.
  4. Infected computer will be monitored by the tracking cookies added to the browser by Deal Top. Sensitive confidential information can be stolen.

Plan A: removal steps to remove Deal Top ( expertise required)

Plan B: help from Deal Top professional removal tool —SpyHunter (Easy and Helpful)

Plan A: Follow the manual removal steps to remove Deal Top

A: go to Task Manager and end Deal Top processes and the suspicious processes

→ click Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager

→ choose Processes→ chooseDeal Top processes and the suspicious processes and click End Process

B: Uninstall Deal Top and the suspicious programs from Control Panel

→ click Start→ click Control Panel

→ choose Programs→ choose Uninstall Program

→ choose Deal Top and the suspicious programs to uninstall

Windows 10

1. Open Settings, and click/tap on the System icon.

2. In System settings, click/tap on App & features on the left side.

3. On the right side, search for Deal Top and doubtful apps that you want to uninstall, and click/tap on the Uninstall button.

4. Click/tap on Uninstall to confirm.

C: remove the harmful extensions and reset your browsers.

Reset Edge Homepage:

Click More (…) on the address bar, then click Settings;
Under Open with, select A specific page or pages. Then you can select a recommended website from drop-down list, or type in your favorite website with Custom option in the list.

Reset Edge Default Search Engine:

Click More (…) on the address bar, then click Settings >> Click View advanced settings;

Click <Add new> under “Search in the address bar with”, type in your favorite search engine;
Choose the search engine you prefer and click Add as default;


1. click the top right corner Three Wrench Bar→ click More tools→Extensions

2. choose relevant extensions and disable it.


1. click Tools→ Manage Add-ons

2. click Toolbars and Extensions→ search for the Deal Top extensions and the unwanted ones → click Disable

3. click Tools→ Internet options→ General→ set as your home page.

Mozilla Firefox

1. click the top right corner Three Wrench Bar→Add-ons

search for Deal Top extension and the suspicious ones and remove

3. click the top right corner Three Wrench Bar → Options→ General

→ input or other homepage URL you want into the Home Page bar or you can click Restore to Default to reset your hompeage

D. remove registries generated by Deal Top and the malicious ones

→ press Windows+R to go to Run window → input “regedit”

→ look for the following registries to remove

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MATS\WindowsInstaller\{EAF386F0-7205-40F2-8DA6-1BABEEFCBE89}]"ProductName"="Deal Top"
"DisplayName"="Deal Top"
"DisplayName"="Deal Top"

Plan B: get help from the Deal Top professional removal tool —SpyHunter

Help I’ve already got lots of help from SpyHunter

Help 1: remove Deal Top and block infections

Help 2: provide real-time protections and optimize your computer personally

Help 3: protect your confidential information from being stolen

Help 4: give warnings when you attempt to visit dangerous websites

How to use SpyHunter to remove Deal Top?

Step 1: click the icon below to download and install SpyHunter

Step 2: After the downloading, follow the instructions it prompts to finish SpyHunter Installation.

Step 3: click Start New Scan to locate Deal Top

Step 4: click “Fix Threats” to remove Deal Top completely

Tips out of Sympathy for Deal Top victims

Manual removal solution is efficient to remove Deal Top but it requires expertise. If you can’t follow it correctly and precisely, it may lead to computer crash. SpyHunter to a perfect choice for you to get Deal Top out of your computer safely and easily because I know that most of the victims are not computer savvies. Do you want to download and install SpyHunter to help you? Because it did help me remove Deal Topcompletely out of my computer.

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